Songplay – Joyce DiDonato

Grammyvindende album forener opera, jazz og tango

JO 0804HQ Presse
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Den amerikanske mezzosopran Joyce DiDonato er Artist in Residence i 2024 i Musikkens Hus. Det betyder, at vi hele tre gange får besøg af verdensstjernen. Hun kommer med tre forskellige koncertprogrammer og vælger man at købe billet til alle tre koncerter, opnår man 25 pct. rabat.
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Man kan nærmest ikke tro, at hun slipper afsted med det, men det er et overraskende smukt og meget originalt værk”.

Sådan beskrev San Francisco Chronicle Joyce DiDonatos album Songplay, der til fulde viser, hvor alsidig en kunstner hun er. Her tager hun en række italienske baroknumre og ændrer dem i samarbejde med pianist og arrangør Craig Terry til jazz standards. Albummet indbragte hende en Grammy i 2020.

Det her album fortjener at blive hørt af enhver, som beundrer exceptionel sang og godt instrumentalt håndværk – uanset om det er opera, jazz eller populær musik”, konkluderede Daily Mail.

Nu rammer liveversionen for første gang Danmark.

Joyce DiDonato: Vokal, mezzosopran
Craig Terry: Piano & arrangør
Gregg August: Kontrabas
Charlie Porter: Trompet
Jimmy Madisson: Trommer
Lautaro Greco: Bandoneon

Bestil Sæsonmenu
Fuldend din oplevelse med en lækker middag i Restaurant Fauna inden arrangementet. Faunas Sæsonmenu består af 3 udsøgte retter nøje sammensat af køkkenet ud fra sæsonens råvarer. Sæsonmenuen er tidsafstemt og tilpasset tidsrummet indtil dørene åbnes til arrangementet.

Læs mere og book bord her.

Play with that Song
by Joyce DiDonato

Every beginning voice student knows the routine: you walk through the austere door – trepidatiously, mind you, and often questioning your very existence – and the skeptical teacher hands you their copy of the yellowed and overly used Singer's Bible, The 24 Italian Art Songs. The cover, usually torn and hanging by a thread, aims to end the suspense of whether your vocal fate will be forever sealed as belonging to the “high” or “low” categories. Regardless, this feels like “IT”. 

And then we dive in, ready to summon both Callas and Pavarotti, all in one, and we let 'er rip ...

Disaster. Week after week we pay to return to the torture chamber for the humiliating attempt to NOT be flat this week. (Except that we went sharp last week, and can't quite figure out how to split the difference!) Even if it says “Italian” on the cover, we may as well be attempting to sing in Swahili, and the questioning of your existence has now been fully answered: you are the epitome of utter dejection and have single-handedly failed the entire human species.

How we grow to hate these songs for challenging our musical souls! How could something which looks so benign on the page be the cause of such wretched anguish? Most of these poor pieces that have been battered around over the centuries patiently allowing many of us to sort out basic technique through them, have no real ownership – they are listed as anonymous, or wrongly attributed to this one or that one. Perhaps they are a match for our misfit vocals?

So returning to them years later (ok, even decades later!), I'm overwhelmed by the charm and the sweetness and the innocence that exudes from their stained, yellowed pages! They call me back again – but this time with a bold invitation to play, to invent, to celebrate a great song. Their overarching theme defiantly bridges the centuries and lines up with the eternal motif that we've all been singing of throughout the years: LOVE.

Enter the ever-playful Craig Terry, who had long envisioned these songs being given a slightly different “treatment”. Upon the first chords of his “Caro mio ben”, I was sold, and we were off and running. Playing with the old Italian melodies gave birth to the desire to also play with some of our favorite American Classics, letting love and heartfelt music-making be our platform.

Our playground has joyously expanded to include an extraordinary gathering of instrumentalists across all genres, each bringing a particular sound and expertise, and yet we've all fused into something unique to this singular project. And it has been some of the most joyous music making of my life.

When last I saw you “here”, I was singing on the theme of War and Peace, hoping to lead you to a peaceful state of mind by the end. If you've managed to stay there, I suppose love and joy are the next obvious steps: so throw your friends a fabulous, old-fashioned dinner party (perhaps Italian cuisine is in order?), press play, and revel in the joy of meeting some old standards as we frolic away. (You know you want to sing along!)

But if you do sing along, (come on, make your old voice teacher proud!) just keep in mind what the great Louis Armstrong said:

“You got to love to be able to play.”


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